
Descubre Mahahual

In the Mexican Republic in the south of the state of Quintana Roo, there is a small and magical paradisiacal town called Mahahual. It is located in the Costa Maya tourist corridor. Mahahual was once a small, quiet fishing village with very few inhabitants. At the beginning of the century, the Costa Maya port was built and, as a result, there would be a growth in tourism. In 2007, however, Hurricane Dean made landfall and devastated the town and much of the port. As part of the recovery, the emblematic "Malecón" was built. Now it stretches 2 kilometers along the coast, where you can see the new and different hotels and restaurants. Beautiful beaches, turquoise blue water, a pleasant atmosphere and harmony with nature characterize the aspect of Mahahual.

What to do in Mahahual?

The Mesoamericana Barrier Reef , also known as the great mayan reef, stretches along the southern coast of Mexico all the way to Honduras. It is the second largest barrier reef in the world and found right in the front of the beaches of Mahahual. The place is home to a multitude of fish species, coral species, marine mammals and more. For this reason, Mahahual has become a popular destination for scuba diving and snorkeling. The barrier reef also prevents strong waves from reaching shore, allowing for a calming ride on the kayak or sailboat. Having started out as a fishing town, sport fishing has also been a favored activity. Riding a bicycle through the town of Mahahual is another of the activities that you should not miss when you come to visit.

Places near Mahahual

Si aún estás en busca de más aventuras, existen lugares cercanos a Mahahual que definitivamente merecen una visita. Además de las atracciones ya mencionadas, hay otros destinos que no debes pasar por alto. Xcalak, por ejemplo, es un lugar que vale la pena explorar. Con sus impresionantes paisajes costeros y su rica biodiversidad marina, Xcalak ofrece oportunidades únicas para el buceo, el snorkel y la observación de la vida marina. Además, cerca de Mahahual se encuentra Banco Chinchorro, el atolón de arrecife más grande del hemisferio norte. Se encuentra a unos 35 km o casi una hora y media de viaje en bote desde la costa. Este arrecife ofrece una amplia variedad de experiencias tanto para buceadores avanzados como para principiantes, con sus barcos hundidos, arrecifes coloridos y una exquisita vida marina.

A poco más de una hora de distancia se encuentra Bacalar, reconocido por su Laguna de los Siete Colores. Esta laguna sorprende con sus tres cenotes y sus diversas tonalidades de azul, junto con un sistema de estromatolitos que se encuentra en pocos lugares del mundo.

Otra opción imperdible es visitar las ruinas de Chacchoben, un destacado sitio arqueológico maya. Además de sus monumentales estructuras, aquí podrás encontrar una gran diversidad de vida silvestre tropical y la flora característica de la selva.